About us

About us

Welcome to Your Friend In

We are a group of young individuals in our 20s, born and raised in Japan.

We have a deep love for traveling abroad and have visited various countries since we were young, including the United States, Canada, Australia, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, France, Italy, and Spain, to name a few. Despite having visited many places, there are still countless countries we haven't explored, and we plan to continue our travels. However, there is one thing we want to declare loudly and clearly:

Japan is the greatest country in the world.

Our passion lies particularly with Japanese cuisine. Although tens of millions of people visit our country every year, it's disheartening to realize that many still haven't fully experienced the allure of Japanese cuisine. This realization motivated us to launch our service.

Our founder, Kosuke Hattori, worked for a Japanese beer manufacturer and had business dealings with all of the approximately 800,000 restaurants across Japan. This means he was in one of the professions most knowledgeable about Japanese restaurant.

Why not let us, food enthusiasts and founders who truly frequent Japan's finest restaurants (places you wouldn't find on the internet in your country), open the doors to these exceptional dining experiences for you?

Kosuke Hattori
Born in 1996
Lives in Tokyo
Facebook account (Feel free to send a friend request)